Timeline Chart

 回样 ‎(未知)‎
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 美勾 ‎(未知)‎
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 卜习 ‎(未知)‎
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 贵尤 ‎(未知)‎第120世
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 葛应 ‎(未知)‎
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 熊X ‏(Family name unknown)‏‎(缺帝喾挚三十八世以字辈代名补之)‎
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 熊体 ‎(未知)‎‎(帝沙关时)‎
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 熊率 ‎(未知)‎
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 魁丘 ‎(未知)‎
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 颛顼 ‎(未知)‎第111世,平字辈‎(前3810~3748年)‎
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 肴个 ‎(未知)‎
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 焙央 ‎(未知)‎
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 上强 ‎(未知)‎
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 昌久 ‎(未知)‎
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 住面 ‎(未知)‎
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 熊相 ‎(未知)‎
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 肖会 ‎(未知)‎
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This information is private and cannot be shown. For more information contact Eva-綺華 fung-馮

This information is private and cannot be shown. For more information contact Eva-綺華 fung-馮

This information is private and cannot be shown. For more information contact Eva-綺華 fung-馮

This information is private and cannot be shown. For more information contact Eva-綺華 fung-馮

This information is private and cannot be shown. For more information contact Eva-綺華 fung-馮

This information is private and cannot be shown. For more information contact Eva-綺華 fung-馮

This information is private and cannot be shown. For more information contact Eva-綺華 fung-馮

This information is private and cannot be shown. For more information contact Eva-綺華 fung-馮

This information is private and cannot be shown. For more information contact Eva-綺華 fung-馮

This information is private and cannot be shown. For more information contact Eva-綺華 fung-馮

This information is private and cannot be shown. For more information contact Eva-綺華 fung-馮

This information is private and cannot be shown. For more information contact Eva-綺華 fung-馮

This information is private and cannot be shown. For more information contact Eva-綺華 fung-馮

This information is private and cannot be shown. For more information contact Eva-綺華 fung-馮

This information is private and cannot be shown. For more information contact Eva-綺華 fung-馮

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